I really like this, it's mobile and rolls easily. It was more difficult to put together than it should've been but my husband stopped reading the directions when it came to putting the glass pieces in and was trying to put the glass in behind the clamp or corner brackets and kept telling me that it was going to break if they kept putting pressure on it to get it to fit but 20 minutes later he figured it out by easily sliding it into place. I could just see him shattering the glass and me losing it! The entire heater is heavy and seems to be made of good material. The top gets hot after being on for a while, my husband heated up his tortillas on it, I'm not joking. I could've killed him. But it does get hot so be mindful of it when moving it after you've had it on for a while. I love it, it's beautiful and the glad on all sides allows you to see the flames and allows the lights to eliminate on sides. We've moved it out to the seating area at the pool and gotten a cover that fits it nicely to keep it in pressing condition.